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Utkan Gül

Android Developer Intern

As a Jr Android Developer and Computer Science student, I am committed to achieving success in both my personal and professional life. With a proactive approach to problem-solving, ability to work collaboratively with teammates and my positive attitude, I can contribute to the success of a team . I am passionate about taking new challenges and continuously seek opportunities to expand my skills and knowledge.

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Myra, is an AI-powered fortune teller Android application that provides
AI-generated horoscope readings to users and allows them to interact with their personalized fortune teller through chat.

  • Myra Android application uses Google's Places API to allow users to select locations.
  • Myra is currently in closed beta and hopefully will soon be available on the Google Play Store.


FuelWise is an Android application that displays the distance, travel time, and estimated average fuel expenses between a user's current location and a selected destination.

  • FuelWise, a native Android application entirely built using Kotlin and XML.
  • FuelWise uses Google's Places and Maps API's for map activities.
  • FuelWise uses Moshi as JSON library and Retrofit for API request.
  • FuelWise is primed for release and will soon be available on the Google Play Store.


UnInfo is an Android application that allows users to access comprehensive information about all universities in Türkiye, including contact details such as phone numbers, websites, and addresses.

  • UnInfo implements the MVVM architecture along with all features developed native.
  • UnInfo uses Moshi as JSON library and Retrofit for API request.
  • UnInfo uses Google's splashscreen API for Splash Screen.